dental Events & News

Composite Fillings or Amalgam Fillings?

By Dental Holiday

February 18, 2008

Personally, I think Amalgam fillings should be banned. Denmark has announced plans to ban the use of amalgam in dental procedures, as well as Norway and Sweden earlier this year.

The Danish ban will come into place on 1 April 2008, while the Norwegian and Swedish legislation has been in effect since 1 January.

Swedish officials cite both health and environmental reasons behind the move. Danish spokespeople also indicate the material has been banned because composites have improved to the point that they are now a viable alternative to amalgam.

Composite fillings have now become so strong that we can ban amalgam fillings. And white fillings can be done for just £49 with us.

Norwegian legislation bans the material by imposing restrictions on mercury itself, citing primarily environmental reasons.

In an official statement, Erik Solheim, Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development, said: ‘Mercury is among the most dangerous environmental toxins. Satisfactory alternatives to mercury in products are available, and it is therefore fitting to introduce a ban.’

He also hailed the move as ‘an important signal’ to the EU, which plans to start restricting mercury’s use and exports from 2009, but has not yet acknowledged any problem in its use as a filling material.

In all my years in dentistry I’ve not had one patient who accepts a product that warns of systemic poisoning or neurological damage. We are fools to continue to place a toxic poison in people just because it’s easier.

Mercury is not biodegradable, and quickly turns into methylmercury – its most toxic form – once in the environment.

Dr. Marek Salka

Head dentist at Dental Holiday

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