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Eating After Dental Implant Surgery

On the day of your dental implant surgery, drink plenty of fluids  (up to 2 quarts of liquid per day) and avoid hot liquids because they will promote bleeding and swelling.

Smoking or drinking any alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.

What diet should I stick to post-surgery?

After your surgery at Smile Clinic Slovakia, we recommend that all our patients stick to a soft food diet to ensure the quickest recovery possible. Therefore, avoiding foods that may physically disrupt the implant or cause discomfort is important.

Extremely hot food is something to avoid, and patients shouldn’t use a straw for the first few days after surgery.

After the surgery, you may feel some discomfort. However, it’s important not to skip meals. Getting your body’s nutrition is key to gaining strength and feeling better and faster.

If you have a special diet requirement related to a medical condition (for example, diabetes), you should keep those eating habits or follow your dietary specialist’s instructions.  

It is best to start with soft and liquid food. Keeping hydrated is key. Here are some ideas for the first 24 hours after the surgery:

What died should I stick to during the implant healing period?

Eating should not be a painful experience for the patient during the healing period. Recovering patients should avoid chewing food in the implanted area and avoid food that may get lodged in the surgical areas, like popcorn, rice, sunflower seeds, nuts etc.

Here is a list with a few examples that can help you:

More ideas for a speedy recovery:

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